finished book list

  • the giver
  • its kind of a funny story
  • the phantom tollbooth

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Please Dont Take My Air Jordans (Test Prep #5 poetry)

     In the poem Please  Dont Take My Air Jordans by Reggie Gaines the main character steals a fresh pair of Jordan sneakers from some one else he then shoots that person and runs with the pair of sneakers. I believe that this poem is mostly abput peer presure because in the begining of the poem this takes place in school and he is saying that he has no money and taht he has to get some new gear soon and he says that his crew is laughing at him and he is wearing old gear and this is how he is being pressured.
     This is another way in which the poem uses peer presure when he shoots and runs and escapes with the pair of jordans. The guy that was shot says "Please Dont Take My Air Jordans" but he takes them any ways and escapes with them anyways. Another way that peer presure is discovered is when he is in school and says my crews laughing at me because im wering old gear. He also says he has no money but its easy to steal fresh gear from the mall. This is some of the ways that peer presure takes place because of what is being done.
     This could related to life because peer presure happens everyday at some point around the world peer presure can also happen in many ways and that is one of the ways that this could be found peer presure also could take place anywhere from school to at home or outside. Many crazy things happen and it could take place in small ways or very big ways in life.

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