finished book list

  • the giver
  • its kind of a funny story
  • the phantom tollbooth

Saturday, March 31, 2012

test prep #3 informational/nonfictional writing

    I have just read the article about how a balck 17 year old dies in responce to hoodies. Trayvon Martin lost his life becuase of George Zimmerman harming him and shooting him with a gun. Trayvon Martin was innocent and it was claimed that he did not have to die in this harmful way. George Zimmerman is from the united kingdom and it is believed that anyone wiht a hoodie on in the united kingdom is up to no good. in order to honor the death of Trayvon Martin the miami heat took a picture of the entire team with hoodies on to honor his death.
    After me reading this useting article about Trayvon Martin I thought about how upsetting and horifying it is for a young teen to lose his life in this upeseting way I believe that Trayvon Martin was innocent and none of this should of have happened to any one in this matter of ways and decisions.I also believe that it was either racism or just being predijuce because of what Georege Zimmereman has done to Trayvon Martin.
    I think I know what the feeling is like for Trayvons parents and family members because my uncle onced passed away and that was very upsetting. I believe that George Zimmerman is guilty and should go to jail because of this and should not be excused. I also believe that what he did is a very mean thing to do.

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