finished book list

  • the giver
  • its kind of a funny story
  • the phantom tollbooth

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Hunger Games (Narritive Piece Test Prep #6)

     In the book The Hunger Games by Suzzaine Collins the main character Katniss changes in many different ways throughout the story. Katniss Everdeen is a 17 year old girl from district 12 this story takes place in the future and a movie is based on the book of this story. Every year in the book one boy and one girl are both selected to participate in the annual hunger games to fight and battle to death against the other districts and each other along this process Katniss sister prim is selected to participate in the hunger games but katniss volenters as a tribute for prim in this process Katniss meets a boy named Peeta he is from there same district 12.
     One of the many ways that katniss changes is at first in the book Katniss is very woried and nervous and scared because she does not want to be  selected to be in the Hunger Games but then she volunters and towards the end she is confident about winning the Hunger Games and she does win it. Katniss changes from having negative thoughts to having positive thoughts and being confident about wining.Katniss then changes again because at first katniss does not know who Peeta is and towards the middle she starts to fall in love with peeta but it turns out it was really just all part of a plan.
     I believe that this story about Katniss and about the way she changes could be related to life because alot of time in life people could be nervous or even worried about many thing and sometimes people may have positive thoughts and negative thoughts which can change when most of this is happening or going on. This is why thoughts may or could change when things are happening.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Please Dont Take My Air Jordans (Test Prep #5 poetry)

     In the poem Please  Dont Take My Air Jordans by Reggie Gaines the main character steals a fresh pair of Jordan sneakers from some one else he then shoots that person and runs with the pair of sneakers. I believe that this poem is mostly abput peer presure because in the begining of the poem this takes place in school and he is saying that he has no money and taht he has to get some new gear soon and he says that his crew is laughing at him and he is wearing old gear and this is how he is being pressured.
     This is another way in which the poem uses peer presure when he shoots and runs and escapes with the pair of jordans. The guy that was shot says "Please Dont Take My Air Jordans" but he takes them any ways and escapes with them anyways. Another way that peer presure is discovered is when he is in school and says my crews laughing at me because im wering old gear. He also says he has no money but its easy to steal fresh gear from the mall. This is some of the ways that peer presure takes place because of what is being done.
     This could related to life because peer presure happens everyday at some point around the world peer presure can also happen in many ways and that is one of the ways that this could be found peer presure also could take place anywhere from school to at home or outside. Many crazy things happen and it could take place in small ways or very big ways in life.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Test Prep # 4 poetry/song lyrics

    I read the poem Hope by Sri Chinmoy and this poem is about hope the main topic on this peom is how hope can keep a person alive and strong the poem also says how hope could keep anyone alive. The poem says how darkness and negative thoughts would disapear as soon as the hope is believed and discovered. The poem also states how much hope could help someone.The poem also gives many examples of why hope is a good thing and not a bad thing. The poem gives more positive feedback instead of negative feedback.

    What I mean and am trying to say because of this is that the peom is trying to say that hope is a good thing when it is stated when it says I am still alive vibrant with life, the black cloud will disapear the morning sun will apear once again. All this is being said with positive thoughts and not negative thoughts and it is also being proved by this.

    My personal responce to this poem is that I agree and this thought of hope in life should be followed and not ignored because everyone in life should agree with the thought of hope and no negative thoughts should be followed by this in any way in life and know one in life should ignore this rule because it is very imporant to follow.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

test prep #3 informational/nonfictional writing

    I have just read the article about how a balck 17 year old dies in responce to hoodies. Trayvon Martin lost his life becuase of George Zimmerman harming him and shooting him with a gun. Trayvon Martin was innocent and it was claimed that he did not have to die in this harmful way. George Zimmerman is from the united kingdom and it is believed that anyone wiht a hoodie on in the united kingdom is up to no good. in order to honor the death of Trayvon Martin the miami heat took a picture of the entire team with hoodies on to honor his death.
    After me reading this useting article about Trayvon Martin I thought about how upsetting and horifying it is for a young teen to lose his life in this upeseting way I believe that Trayvon Martin was innocent and none of this should of have happened to any one in this matter of ways and decisions.I also believe that it was either racism or just being predijuce because of what Georege Zimmereman has done to Trayvon Martin.
    I think I know what the feeling is like for Trayvons parents and family members because my uncle onced passed away and that was very upsetting. I believe that George Zimmerman is guilty and should go to jail because of this and should not be excused. I also believe that what he did is a very mean thing to do.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Test prep #2 informational/nonfiction writing

    I have just read the article about how the Ohio State University beat Syrcase University in the NCAA March Madness. the Buckeyes are moving on to the final four to face off against North Carolina or Kansas. The Buckeyes did an outstanding job on posting their defence and not letting syracuse get by them. On the other hand Syracuse did a bad job on their offence. They had no chance on driving in towards the basket and they kept missing jump shots from different angles of the court. the buckeyes won the game with a score of 77-70 now the Bukeyes will be heading to louisville in new orlenes for the final four.
    I believe that what is trying to be said about this article was that the buckeyes did a good job on their defense compared to Syracuse. The Ohio State University kept their defense very tight and Syracuse kept their defense very low and bad which is what caused Ohio's victory and Syracuses tradegy. Lenzelle Smith J.r who scored 18 points and was 3 out of 6 times behind the arc. Ohio also won because they did not give up throughout the entire game and tried to get a leed headstart in the game and to keep that leed throughout the entire game.
    I agree in fact to everything of what has been said in the article because it is if a team works hard for what they want hey will recieve what they want for example. The Buckeyes wanted to win and move on to the final four and the did by playing very tight defense and not giving up. the ohio state then beat syracuse because of this. Syracuse also wanted to win but they did not work hard for it by doing a bad job on offense and on deffense.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Roger and his shooting of the cop (test prep 1 narritive piece of writing)

    I have just started reading the book Dope Sick by Walter Dean Myers in this book the main character Roger Jones who is more known by his street nname Lil J is on the run from the cops so far Lil J is trying to escape from the cops because of the fact that he is being accused of shooting and murdering a cop. Lil J really did not shoot the cop but he hangs out with some drug dealers who shot him.Lil J is only about 16 to 17 years old and he is on the run from the cops. in the story Lil j has ran from the cops and he has snuck into an old and abondoned building. In this building Lil J meets a man known as kelly this man has seen Lil J in the news and is informing him anout that and what he has done. Lil J is also shot while he is running.
    The types of problems that Lil J has so far is that he is on the run from the cops and that he is about to go to jail. some more problems is that he is shot and he is being accused he is also hanging out with the wrong people at the wrong time.Lil J is also in alot of pain and is very tired of running i dont think anyone would want to be in his place at that time that he has to go through all of those types of problems. I do not think that I could relate to the life that Lil J is going through right now in the book because I have never gone through something as serious as that. my responce to this is that if I was Lil J I would not have kept on runing like he is I would probably just find a place to sit and rest.
    This book is very interesting and it would be recomended because Walter Dean Myers uses language and examples in the story so that the reader could see and conect to what Lil J is going through. I dont think I have ever been in as much pain in my life as much as the way Walter Dean Myers describes it for Lil J which is coughing and runing while leaving and driping a trail of blood behind you and trying to sneak in to an abondond house that smells really bad. I dont think I could relate to something this big and serious.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

president snow and his uprising

  I am currently reading the book Catching Fire by Suzzane Collins this book is very interesting seems to get better and better and even more interesting each time that I read this book. In this book the main important events that has taken place is that the main character Katniss has won the Hunger Games is visting all the districts in which members from those districts she killed. The president is known as President Snow he is the president of all the districts the president then makes a important descision that affects all the districts.
  In this book I have relized and infered many different things about President Snow and Katniss. I have infered that President Snow will make a very big and major decision that will affect all districts even bigger then the decesion about the uprising. I also infered that Katniss will make a choice by giving up on visiting all the districts and she will try to escape from having to travel to all other districts. Katniss is tired because of that life of visting people from districts and people that Katniss has killed.
  The decision that President Snow makes is the decision about the uprising this is a very big decesion that impacts many people throughout this book. In the uprising their are many people in groups of mobs and throwing bricks and other items and burning buildings. This book is very interesting in many ways thaat take place.

Monday, January 30, 2012

katniss and her life ahead

 I am currently reading the book Catching Fire by Suzzane Collins and in this book Katniss the main character must go to other districts and talk about what and how she won the hunger games.when Katniss won this she had to try very hard. Katniss is becoming upset because she has to do the same routine everyday in her life. this routine involves traveling to other districts and seeing the faces of the parents of whose kids that katniss had to kill in the hunger games. Katniss then becomes a verry big issue and conflict for Katniss.
    I can infer about Katniss that she might want to try to stopo doing this same akward and boring routine everyday so I think that katniss then might try to stop this routine and she might get into some really deep and dangerous trouble. I also think that she will get in trouble from the president and I infer that she might try to escape and go back home but then get caught.
  I can connect this inference because I know that alot of people in life get tired of doing the same routine like waking up and going to  school then doing homework ang eting ready for the next day I think alot of people do not like this routine and they try to escape it by going on vacation and enjoying themselves this is how I can connect this to life.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Art works inspirations

   I choose this piece of artwork because I believe that it has a purpose and a meaning just as if any other art work does. I also choose this because If  you look closely towards the picture you can see alot of different types of meanings or descriptions towards the pictures and you could notice alot of types of meanings towards it or alot of different inferences towards the type of picture or artwork. for example if you see this you may think oh its just a robot thats a man but if you look closely you can see that it mayor bloomberg and it is trying to prove something towards this. from my prespective or point of view i can see many different things towards this art work.
  I may infer that the picture is very thought provoking towards the viewer of this piece of art and I can predict or infer that the artist is trying to say that the picture is not just a robot thats a man the picture is trying to say in may point of view that its mayor bloomberg thats created as a robot in order to try to show that he can control the entire new york city and its trying to show that he has control and power over the city. If you look very closely you can see buildings on his arms trying to say that he owns it or the control over it.
   I can connect to this because the artist of this story drew the mayor of the city in which i live in. I can also connect to this because the artist who drew this has drawn this for in which the city I live in and the mayor bloomberg has the bulding from the city I am from. also he is trying to say he has the power as if the president has it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The all star mentor is awarded to........

   Their are many different students who did a great job but of all my peers and class mates the one who did a very great and interesting job was Giovanni Gomez. I believe that Giovanni did a very great and interesting job because I like how he gave alot of texual evidence towards the book. Giovnni wold state if wheather  or not the protagonist is a good character or a bad character/protagonist. Giovanni would also elaborate on each reason why he would think that the character/protagonist is good he would also say if he would or might change into a bad protagonist how they would act in that mater of ways.Another and final reason why Giovanni did a good job is because he backed it up with the observe and infer sort of topic he would then come to a close towards the end backing it up with this main topic.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

katniss and her life

  I have finally finished reading the book the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins this book is very very intersting and I enjoyed it alot. while I was reading this book I took notes on some very important things that happened throughout the book. I took notes on three main topics and one of them is on katniss the main character katniss is a girl that is about 15 to 16 years old. katniss and peta both get selected to participate in the annual hunger games.A note that I foccused on was how it was really katniss 12 year old sister prim who was supposed to take part in this and katniss did not allow that so she took place to participate in it. katniss is a type of person who believes in her self and will not give up on something  thet she wants.
  Another theme  that I looked at was the setting of the hunger games which is in the arena. In the arena it has many different types of climates that takes place onne of the climates is an avalanche one and another is a tropical forest and the final one is a desert one. Katniss gets the tropical one and she tries to survive their.
   the last thing that I took part in noticing is the topic of revoulotion in the topic of revoultion katniss talks with rue and they talk about comparing and contrasting her districts between district 12 and 7.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Description Between Life And Death

 I have just finished the 1st book of the Hunger Games series which was the Hunger Games by Suzzaine Collins this book is a very great an interesting story. In this book Katniss the main character is elected to participate in the annual Hunger Games throughout this process Katniss must try to fight an kill people who were elected from other Districts and the last person standing is declared as the winner. while Katniss is trying to survive and she is already in the arena (which is where the hunger games takes place) she meets Rue a girl from district 7.
  Rue is a small girl she is 12 years old which is the same age Katniss sister was. Katniss's sister's name is Prim she is also 12 years and is small. Katniss mentions alot throughout this book that Rue reminds her of Prim. Katniss asks Rue to join her as an alley even though they would both end up having to kill each other towards the end. Rue then dies later on in the book towards the middle of the story.
   I believe that it is crazy and unbelievable how people would force children under the age of 17 to have to go and participate in the Hunger Games and make the children have to fight and kill each others lives. It is also even more crazy how this is alive tv show and people watch this from other districts.this book is very good and I recomend it.